No "Scrutiny Mutiny" but Campaign Ramping Up

Post date: Oct 2, 2012 10:48:02 PM

"Call-in" Rejected

So, true to form, the Council's Scrutiny Committee rejected the "call-in" made by the Lib Dems and Labour today. The "call-in" was to review the decision that the

County Council's Cabinet had made on 12th Sept to sign the contract with the contractor, UBB.

This was entirely predictable and follows the pattern of the last "call-in" in January this year following UBB's selection as "prefered bidder". This committee is supposed to objectively scrutinise decisions to ensure the council is making proper decisions, acting in the best interests of the electorate. Curious then that each decision it makes on the incinerator is characterised by all the Conservative members (the majority) voting as a block and merely obeying the party whip.

We have come to learn to expect that the pro-incinerator lobby at the Council will not act in its residents' best interests on this issue. It will press on with its own agenda, even when its actions are utterly lacking in fairness or common sense.. Signing the contract before planning permission - a cynical move to put pressure on the planning process and nothing more.

The contract may get signed but the fight is far from over. Anger and momentum are building against this proposal at record rates. Ultimately, it is planning permission that the Council need in order for this to go ahead - this is still to play for!

Coverage of the Demo

*Note that the statement that the incinerator will deal with what's left after everything that can be recycled or composted is taken out is not correct. Much more could be recycled and composted, and much that could be will end up being burned in the incinerator at great environmental cost. What they should have said is that the incinerator would deal with what is left after what has been recycled/composted not can be.

Big Demo Impact

On a real positive note, there was a very good turn out at the demonstration today. A great all round effort saw a much livelier and more colourful affair than usual with many people sporting full on gas masks and protective clothing!

Crucially, both ITV and BBC news were there and have covered the demonstration today on TV and on their websites. This is great for building awareness and momentum for the campaign and is an indication of the surging interest and opposition.