GlosVAIN Update - September 2015

Post date: Sep 16, 2015 9:04:42 PM


Disclosure: still in the dark

Our requests for full disclosure from GCC of the planned Javelin Park incinerator contract, despite two months' chasing by the Information Commissioner's Office, are still being met with redacted documents. This is ridiculous and exasperating, but the Information Commissioner is still putting pressure on so it isn't over yet.

Recycling plant: a guiding light

In inspiring contrast, the response to the R4C project for a community benefit recycling plant has been hugely positive. The packed meeting on 7th July produced a core group of expert volunteers who have been working through the summer to get the project off the ground.

This plant could divert almost 95% of the county's black bag waste from potential incineration to efficient recycling and sustainable fuel creation. It can be implemented at District Council level - in line with the legal duty to re-use and recycle wherever possible.

Local well-known names Tom Percival (illustrator) and Kevin McCloud (presenter) have produced a fantastic little animation which explains it all in 3 minutes.Watch it by clicking below. Please share it!

Glosvain Position

on Community R4C

The following statement was agreed at the meeting of GlosVAIN supporters held at Standish Village Hall on 27th July 2015:

“The R4C proposal is consistent withGlosvain’s long held view that a Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plant would be a better option for Gloucestershire’s waste than Mass Burn Incineration (MBI) with electricity generation. As we currently understand the R4C proposal, it would be at the better end of the spectrum of MBT configurations and therefore an appropriate alternative worthy ofGlosvain’s support. Had such a proposal come from any viable enterprise we would take the

same view.

Glosvain will continue to function as originally intended by the parish councils, individuals and groups who set it up and funded it, to oppose MBI at Javelin Park and to advance constructive alternatives. In the event that the MBI project moves toward construction, commissioning and operational phases, we envisage Glosvain continuing to monitor the inevitable impacts upon local communities.

It would not be appropriate for funds to be transferred from Glosvain to the R4C supporters group. Glosvain supporters will need to consider for themselves whether they wish to be involved in the group that is supporting the R4C proposal.”

The project has also met with positive responses from local businesses and politicians.

Who needs an incinerator?

With this possibility now in place, the future for a mass-burn incinerator doesn't look so sure (despite planning permission). Within the next few years it may well become illegal to burn what could be recycled. R4C could therefore save the council from saddling us with an expensive redundancy.

The next step is to make this clear, and show what the public really supports.

What you can do to help:

- sign up for the R4C mailing list - this is a concrete indication of public interest and a very powerful tool. You can sign up here:

- come along to the next 38 Degrees Stroud meeting on Monday 21st September, 7.30pm at the Old Town Hall where we will be focusing on the progress of this project, what it can do and how we can support it, for the sake of our health, our pockets and our landscape. RSVP here. Read more in SNJ about the upcoming meeting here.

- leaflet your own community, or help with high street leafletting - if you are interested in offering a little of your time to help spread the word in this or other ways please contact Lizzie here:

Thanks for caring about this issue, and I look forward to seeing many of you on the 21st.


Save our legitimate access to information under Freedom of Information. This is under threat! Access to info under FOI could still end up holding the key to overturning the the Gloucestershire incinerator case. Don't let FOI be watered down under government plans!


The government has a plan that’ll make it harder for us to find out what they’re really up to. They want to introduce fees - of up to £600! - for people who use Freedom of Information laws to find out the truth about what they’re doing. But we’ve got 48 hours to have our say and knock these plans out of the water.

The government has been forced to hold a public consultation on their cover-up plan. They’re trying to keep this under the radar, and aren’t expecting many responses. So if thousands of us feed in, we could overwhelm their consultation and topple these plans to make government information harder to get hold of.


Check out the all-new Community R4C website!