Day 17 - 22nd January 2014

Post date: Jan 24, 2014 10:58:54 PM

The day opened with Mr Stephen Othen in the witness stand and he had the re-examination from Mr. Phillips QC for UBB which went through the points raised by the other parties. Mr Simon Aumonier, the technology expert for UBB was next up and he was firstly cross examined by Mr Simmonds, QC for Stroud DC and he probed some of the conclusions that Mr Aumonier had drawn. One concern to come out of the questioning was that there was a suggestion that if the incinerator were to be built then it could attract a high heat user next door and suddenly we are faced with an industrial complex right under the Beacon.

Mr Alan Watson for GlosVAIN was next to try to get through the obstructive shield that Mr Aumonier was putting up and he managed to prove that parts of Mr Aumonier’s evidence was speculative at best. I was surprised that Mr Aumonier denied knowledge of the IEMA event in Scotland since he presented to this Scotland Central Regional event in February 2010. (Perhaps he just forgot).

We have the prospect of this engagement continuing tomorrow!