Day 19 - 24th January 2014

Post date: Jan 26, 2014 5:29:18 PM

The day opened with Mr. Roberts of UBB still being cross examined by Mr Elvin QC for GCC. The questioning was at times fractious and at times akin to two heavyweight boxers slugging it out in the ring – the heaviest punches being delivered by Mr. Elvin.

When we were referred to the Contract between UBB and GCC however it was clear just how much of the detail was redacted. Page after page was blacked out – even details of building materials used and planting and for why? No one could imagine how this could be regarded as commercially confidential.

However it could work against UBB as the Inspector noted that at the Rufford Inquiry it was deemed that information that had been redacted and not available for public scrutiny would be afforded little or no weight.

Mr Simmonds QC for Stroud DC was next to question Mr. Roberts and amazingly when asked if it was fair to say that a landmark building could be called ‘uncharacteristic’ Mr. Roberts agreed – this is an important definition with regard to complying with policy WCS14.

GlosVAIN’s Alan Watson then showed that by questioning the original calculations which showed UBB saving 40,480 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the original application which was challenged by Glosvain, the only ones who did. This was revised to 19,740 tonnes at this inquiry, so more than a halving of the benefits from the figures originally claimed – a key factor for the Secretary of State when considering effects on climate change!